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Self Deploy


To self-deploy Refly, you need to have the following installed:

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Optional: PostgreSQL client (either psql or GUI-based tools), used for managing usable LLM models


We plan to provide a fully-functional native application in the future, offering seamless installation experience in a privacy-focused manner. Stay tuned!


  1. Clone the repository
git clone


If you only need to deploy with Docker, you can add --depth 1 to the clone command to save disk space and download time.

  1. Prepare the environment
cd refly/deploy/docker
cp .env.example .env

Notes on environment variables:

  • Envs for LLM inference:
    • OPENAI_API_KEY: Your OpenAI API key
    • OPENROUTER_API_KEY: Your OpenRouter API key (This will override offical OpenAI endpoint if provided)
  • Envs for Embeddings:
    • EMBEDDINGS_PROVIDER: Embeddings provider, currently support openai, jina and fireworks
    • EMBEDDINGS_MODEL_NAME: The name of the embeddings model, which could be different for different providers
    • OPENAI_API_KEY: Required if EMBEDDINGS_PROVIDER is openai
    • JINA_API_KEY: Required if EMBEDDINGS_PROVIDER is jina
    • FIREWORKS_API_KEY: Required if EMBEDDINGS_PROVIDER is fireworks
  • Envs for Web Search:
    • SERPER_API_KEY: Serper API key


A comprehensive list of all the configuration options is available in the Configuration.


Currently, the application will be provisioned with OpenRouter-compatible model names, as you can see. If OPENROUTER_API_KEY is not provided, the application will use the official OpenAI endpoint, and you need to make adjustments to the model configuration:

UPDATE refly.model_info SET name = TRIM(LEADING 'openai/' FROM name) WHERE provider = 'openai';
  1. Start the docker compose file
docker compose up -d

You can run docker ps to check the status of the containers. The expected status for each container should be Up and healthy. An example output is shown below:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                      COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS                 PORTS                                                                                  NAMES
71681217973e   reflyai/refly-api:latest                   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 hours ago   Up 5 hours (healthy)   3000/tcp,>5800-5801/tcp, :::5800-5801->5800-5801/tcp                refly_api
462d7e1181ca   reflyai/qdrant:v1.13.1                     "./"        5 hours ago   Up 5 hours (healthy)>6333-6334/tcp, :::6333-6334->6333-6334/tcp                          refly_qdrant
fd287fa0a04e   redis/redis-stack:6.2.6-v18                "/"         5 hours ago   Up 5 hours (healthy)>6379/tcp, :::6379->6379/tcp,>8001/tcp, :::8001->8001/tcp   refly_redis
16321d38fc34   reflyai/refly-web:latest                   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   5 hours ago   Up 5 hours   >80/tcp, [::]:5700->80/tcp                                                refly_web
2e14ec2e55a2   reflyai/elasticsearch:7.10.2               "/tini -- /usr/local…"   5 hours ago   Up 5 hours (healthy)>9200/tcp, :::9200->9200/tcp, 9300/tcp                                    refly_elasticsearch
a13f349fe35b   minio/minio:RELEASE.2025-01-20T14-49-07Z   "/usr/bin/docker-ent…"   5 hours ago   Up 5 hours (healthy)>9000-9001/tcp, :::9000-9001->9000-9001/tcp                          refly_minio
e7b398dbd02b   postgres:16-alpine                         "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 hours ago   Up 5 hours (healthy)>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp                                              refly_db

Finally, you can access the Refly application in http://localhost:5700.


If the application fails to function properly, you can try the following steps:

  1. Run docker ps to identify unhealthy containers.
  2. Run docker logs <container_id> to get more information about the error.
  3. If the unhealthy container is refly_api, you can run docker restart refly_api to restart the container.
  4. For others, you can search for the cause of error messages in the container's logs.

If the issue persists, you can raise an issue in our GitHub repository, or contact us in our Discord Server.